How to Reach a 700+ Credit Score in No Time

Having a good credit score is essential for many aspects of life, from getting approved for a loan to getting the best interest rates. But how long does it take to build up to a 700 credit score? The answer depends on your credit history and financial habits. On average, it can take three to six months to see an improvement in your credit scores. However, it may take up to two years to see a significant improvement.

If you have just come out of bankruptcy and your score is 450, it will take much longer. But it's still a reasonable goal. The amount of time it takes to go from a 700 to 800 credit score can vary from a few months to several years. There are some factors that have specific time frames.

For example, it takes up to two years for a thorough consultation to disappear from your credit report. As difficult queries are eliminated, your score may increase. Your score also increases the longer you've had credit. Every year you have your credit, your credit history gets longer, helping to improve your score. If you need help repairing your credit, call Ascent Law LLC for a free consultation (80 676-5506).

Keep in mind that just because you're accumulating credit doesn't necessarily mean that you're accumulating good credit. Receiving a lot of solid credit inquiries can also affect your score, so be sure to take advantage of flexible credit checks or keep any loan request within 30 days. Adding new business lines to your credit report can increase your credit, especially if you're new to the credit game. A credit-building loan is an installment loan product specifically designed to help you build your credit. When you get this type of loan, the lender will deposit the approved amount into a savings account. Regular use and full payment are important, since your credit utilization ratio (the ratio of debt compared to available credit) is the second most important factor affecting your credit rating.

Making too many thorough inquiries on your credit report can be a sign that you're desperately seeking credit and pose a risk to lenders. Now that you know how to increase your credit score, learn what popular credit cards you can get with your highest score and how you can benefit from using them. If you can't apply for a “normal, unsecured” credit card, you can try applying for a secured one. Knowing how to get a high credit score and taking the necessary steps to do so can give you access to better credit cards and allow you to borrow money with lower interest rates and better loan terms. Real credit rating growth will come from building your own credit history, not from taking advantage of someone else's.